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Fund Visions

Mission Statement

“To encourage the improvement of the physical, mental, spiritual and economic quality of life for people in the North East of England through the support of charitable organisations which aspire to high ethical standards and to the highest standards in their field.”


The Sir William Leech Fund

It was Sir Williams’s wish to leave a lasting asset to help the people of the North East. Accordingly, the William Leech Charity (“the Charity”) was established by Sir William in 1972. Following his death in 1990 further assets were added to the Charity by his widow Lady Ellen Leech under her will when she died 1999. The assets held by the Trustees are referred to as the Fund.


The Lady Leech Fund

Lady Leech wished to extend the scope of the William Leech Charity to benefit the Developing World, and did so by leaving the larger part of her estate to the Charity under her will. To reflect this gift 16% of the Fund is designated as The Lady Leech Fund. Lady Leech wished that the Lady Leech Fund should be used to meet the needs primarily of children and particularly in the Developing World.