To submit a grant application, please click here. Alternatively, if you would like to contact us, please click here


In order to safe-guard our Charity Status, it is important that we are accountable for how funds are distributed. As such, the following protocols exist for making and investigating applications.

Please note we only accept applications from Registered Charities 

For Large grants and multiple grants, trustees would like to see as much supporting information as possible, and in rare cases, they may wish to interview the applicant.


The Charity has updated the Web Site and request that all applications are made online using 'Apply now' button below.

In case of difficulty please contact us using our Contact Us page.

The Charity are no longer accepting applications made by post.

Information which will be required for your applications will include :-  

1. A Description of the project that the Charity is undertaking, who it hopes to help, and any evidence which will support the need      for this particular project.  

2. How much the project will cost, capital and revenue, with an indication of the amounts involved. 

3. How much the charity has raised so far, and where it expects to find the balance.  

4. The type of support sought; i.e. small grant, multiple grant, loan, etc.  

5. How much does it cost to run the charity each year, including how much of the revenue is spent on salaries and employees.

Where does the revenue come from? How many paid workers are there, how many volunteers are there.  

For details of how to Apply to the Lady Leech fund, please click here